EcoConscious Learning
As our website is in Dutch, we are pleased to give you a small peek into what we do with this English introduction. If you like to receive more information, please let us know.
Our Manifest
As a mother and strengthened by the knowledge what a child learns, will be passed on (wat een kind leert, geeft een kind door) I was asked to develop a method to implement sustainability at the primary school of our kids. I strongly believe that we have to give a healthier Earth to the next generations. The method we developed was so powerful that it fulfilled my dream namely creating some impact in changing the world into a sustainable and more balanced system.
Future proof Organizations and Education
I started as a volunteer in 2010 and in 2012 I founded ‘BewustWijzer’ (EcoConscious Learning), the social enterprise that imbeds sustainability in organisations and education by the people, planet, prosperity and play method.
The programs will change your organization or school from linear learning into a future proof and circular way of thinking and doing.
Why does it fit organizations and schools?
Because by adopting our way of working and teaching, the facility – and procurement costs will go down, processes will be more effective and efficient and proposition will be future proof. Next to that, the CO2 emission will improve in the short term. In the long run, employees and students will be better prepared and skilled to perform jobs in the next economy. That's our mission!
Our Method
Together with your organisation we build and implement a tailor made program to engage your co-workers, create smart processes and increase client satisfaction. In order to upscale your impact and profit as well as having happier stakeholders.
For schools we offer the teachers our made-to-measure program, which is an interdisciplinary curriculum. It deals with the themes: water, energy, waste, healthy living and mobility to acquire technical knowledge and experiences. It also assists the talent and soft skills improvement of the inquisitive child. For primary schools the method is implemented as a thrilling adventure in and around the school. It will be applied in the curriculum because it deals with math and languages.
For secondary schools it offers the students an interactive preparation towards the profile choice and the sector-/ profile assignment.
Our way of working
We develop, coach and assist managers and teachers in using our programs.
Within companies we do a quick scan based on the challenge of the organization and the agreed working method. The result should be in line with at least one of the three P's; people, planet and prosperity. It is good to think and talk about improvements. But what really matter is that the organization makes progress in small manageable steps and that the improvements are there to stay. Our programs give the organization the call-to-action and the right to play.
At school the pupils (age four to fifteen years) learn the content and context what environmental – and climate change is and means for them at their own level. The lessons take away different working methods, according to the student-learning journey, so they stay curious and eager to gain more technical knowledge and experiences. After all, it is their planet.
Interested in our beliefs, results and research? Please contact us.